The Indie Rock Coloring Book

The Indie Rock Coloring Book

Who doesn't like to color? This is the perfect book to get you "too old to color" hipsters back in the game.

Its been awhile

I thought I'd post just because its been so long, I'm in San Diego, or really about 30 minutes outside of San Diego. I have a sweet kind loving boyfriend, a cat and a dog, I live in a three bedroom home complete with a front and back yard. I grow herbs in my kitchen and cook dinner almost every night. I am not going to burning man this year that is bittersweet for me. I work for a web 2.0 company and I play WOW and Evony pretty much daily..

That's an update I am going to start updating again.. So get ready!


Places to eat in San Francisco

I've started to compile a list of places I like to eat at in San Francisco to remember them. This list can be found on my other blog ---> here
